Renewed Abstinence

Renewed abstinence is when a sexually active person chooses to become abstinent. They believe it’s a new way to start their lives over and begin from a fresh start. They have already lost their virginity, but may believe that it happened for the wrong reason. Maybe they weren’t in love or engaged in it as a result of peer pressure. Whatever the reason is, you can always take a vow of renewed abstinence if you feel like you need to.

Choosing to take the vow of renewed abstinence can be a hard one. If you were sexually active, and were accustomed that lifestyle, resisting the sexual temptation can be a true testament to your will power. But if you resist, it’s a healthy choice that you can be very thankful for.  A lot of people have chosen to take their vow of renewed abstinence for the reason of realizing they weren’t ready for sex and the responsibilities that can come along with it.

Here are some reasons that are common for those who took and want to take their vow of renewed abstinence.

  • You want to start over and need a fresh start. Remember this, you can start over! Starting over is not impossible to achieve if you really believe in the cause.
  • Love yourself. Establishing love for yourself by choosing renewed abstinence before you can firmly say that you love someone else only signifies that you love your body, heart, and sexuality above anything else. Renewed abstinence helps you realize the love that you have for yourself that you might not have ever noticed. You may have had low self esteem and dealt with it by engaging in sex, but the new vow can show you didn’t need sex to see that love.
  • To feel the sense of fulfillment.  Many people believe the myth that the emptiness they may feel can only be filled by sex; but the truth is that the key to fulfillment is to love yourself and surround yourself with people who truly love you. Renewed abstinence is a helpful reminder that you don’t need those actions to feel good. The new found love for yourself will can help fulfill any emptiness.
  • Self respect. The moment you gain your respect yourself, you can expect respect from others as well. It’s also important to have a partner that respects your wishes and your right to say NO. Renewed abstinence gives you a new sense of self respect because it helps you believe in yourself. It also proves how strong you can really be. This might be the boost you need to take charge and change your life in more than one way.
  • Establishing your morals and beliefs. You are demonstrating how strong you are by sticking to what your religious beliefs want you to practice. Renewed abstinence showcases your strength to family and friends, and more importantly, yourself.
  • For prevention purposes. There are many consequences a person can face when they decide to engage in sexual activities. Renewed abstinence helps prevent you from the worries that sex can bring such as pregnancy or infections.

These reasons can help you decide to take back control in your life. Secondary virginity or the vow for renewed abstinence shows how much you care about yourself and your future. You are expressing that you want to save sex for the right person and the right time. Deciding to start over is the hardest part, but it will pay off and you will appreciate it when you’ve found this new sense of control over your life.